As we approach the tail end of 2022 and set sights on 2023, many of us start planning for things that we would like to accomplish. We get excited about what the future holds and the endless possibilities ahead. But underneath all this excitement there can also be anxiety. How do we actually accomplish the goals we set our sights on? The answer is simple, habits.
This past year I read a very intriguing book called “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. This book opened my mind to just how easy it can be to create positive lasting habits that can really make a large impact on your daily life.
Clear explains that habits are changes in behavior and that behaviors compound upon each other. Performing the same habit daily can create a large impact in the long term. Additionally, changing or create one type of habit can also spark you to change or create other habits.
There are multiple types of habit that we can create or change:
Goal Driven Habits: focus on the goal you want to achieve.
System Driven Habits: focus on the system/processes needed to accomplish your goal.
Identity Driven Habits: focus on our beliefs about who we are.
Clear goes into much more depth of each type of habit and the impact these habits can have on your behavior change in the book. If you want to dive deeper click HERE to purchase a copy.
Here are some key take aways I have kept close to heart since reading Clear’s book “Atomic Habits”:
Focus on getting 1% better each day.
Difficulty changing your habits is not because of you personally but more because of the systems you are using for change.
Your current behavior is a reflection of your beliefs about who you are.
To change these behaviors or habits you must first decide who you want to be and then prove it to yourself with small victories.
Creating new lasting habits is not rocket science:
- Make the habit obvious.
- Make the habit attractive.
- Make the habit easy.
- Make the habit satisfying.
Often times we fail with new routine or new habits because we over complicate things. Small, simple changes can compound into larger, more complex behaviors, if we only maintain consistency and enjoy the process! But don’t take my word for it! Get your copy of “Atomic Habits” today by clicking HERE!